Saturday, January 29, 2011

heal assignment


According to Friedrich Engels, one of the pioneers of Marxism, Marxism "is not a dogma but a tool to guide action", so the theory should continue to thrive, should be able to analyze the real nature is always subject to change, the real world that has changed since the death of Marx's own formidable . Although the historical reasons we have given the name of Marx himself to the theory of Marxism, this tradition can not be replaced dogmatically to his works alone. As Leon Trotsky wrote, "The essence of Marxism is a method of analysis: the analyses will not only texts but will social relationships."
Can be concluded that, Marxism is a theory for the entire working class as a whole, independent of short-term interests of various groups of sectoral, national, etc.. Therefore, Marxism against political opportunism, which would sacrifice the public interest, demands the entire working class to the sectoral or short term.
Marx's Marxism is a form of protest against capitalism understood. He considers that the capital raising money at the expense of the proletariat. The condition of the proletariat is very sad because they were forced to work long hours with minimum wage while they sweat the results enjoyed by the capitalists. Many of the proletariat who must live in the suburbs and slums. Marx argued that this problem arises because of "personal ownership" and control the wealth that dominated the rich. For the welfare of the proletariat, Marx argued that capitalism understood replaced with communism. When this condition is left unchecked, according to Marx's proletariat would revolt and demand justice. That is the basis of Marxism.
Karl Marx, born in Trier Germany, May 5, 1818 and died in London, March 14, 1883. Karl Marx was born in a progressive Jewish family in Trier, Prussia, (now in Germany). His father named Herschel, a descendant of rabbis, who then left the Jewish religion and turned into the official religion of Prussia, the Protestant Lutheran flow is relatively liberal, to become a lawyer. Herschel also changed his name to Heinrich. Marx family is very liberal and Marxist house frequented by intellectuals and artists during the early stages Karl.
Marx through school at home until he was 13 years old. After graduating from the Trier Gymnasium, Marx continued his education at the University of Bonn in 1835 majoring in law at his age to the 17th, where he joined the Trier Tavern Club drinking that resulted in he got bad grades. Marx interested in learning literature and philosophy, but his father did not approve it because he did not believe that his son will succeed to motivate himself to get a degree. The following year, his father Karl Marx forced to move to a better university, the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin. In Berlin, Marx's interest turned to philosophy, and joined the circle of students and young professors known as the Young Hegelians. Some of them, which are also known as the Hegelian-left, using Hegel's dialectical method, separated from its theological content, as a powerful tool for political and religious criticism of the established time.
At that time, Marx wrote many poems and essays about life, using the language of theology inherited from his father as 'The Deity' but he also implemented an atheist philosophy of the famous Young Hegelians in Berlin at the time. Marx earned a doctorate in 1841 with his thesis entitled 'The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature', but, he must submit his dissertation to the University of Jena as Marx realized that his status as a Young Hegelian radical would be accepted with a bad impression on Berlin.
Marx has a nephew named Azariel, Hans, and Gerald is very helping in all the theory she had created. Marx is famous for his analysis in the field of history has put forward in the opening sentence of the book 'Communist Manifesto' (1848): "The history of various communities to this day is basically the history of class conflict." Marx believed that capitalism would be replaced with communism there, a classless society after a period of radical socialism that made the state as dictator proletarian revolution (the very bottom in the Roman state.)
Marx is often called as the father of communism; Marx was of the intelligentsia and politicians. He argued that his analysis of capitalism proves that the contradictions of capitalism will end and give way to communism. On the other hand, Marx wrote that capitalism will end because the organized action of the international working class. "Communism is for us is not the relationship created by the state, but is an ideal way for the state of the country at this time. The result of this movement we are going to regulate themselves automatically. Communism is a movement that will eliminate the conditions that exist at present. And the result of this movement creates the result of the existing environment of today.
This theory is the theoretical basis of modern communism. This theory is stated in the Communist Manifesto book made by Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marx is often dubbed as the father of communism. He argued that his analysis of capitalism proves that the contradictions of capitalism will end and give way to communism. Capitalism will end because the organized action of the international working class. Marx is famous for his analysis on his proposed field of history in the opening sentence of the book 'Communist Manifesto' (1848): the history of various communities to this day is basically the history of class conflict. Marx believed that capitalism is going to be replaced by communism, a classless society after a period of radical socialism that made the country as the revolution of the proletariat.
Single capitalist country evolved on the basis of more or less democratic, due to the existence of life and death struggle between the classes of capitalist society. This was later made into a Marx understood from the Class Struggle. The philosophy of materialism which Marx presented showing the way for the proletariat to be free from the shackles of spiritual slavery that oppressed every class up to now.
Philosophy used Marxism is materialism. Throughout the history of modern Europe, and especially at the end of the 18th century in France, where there are persistent struggle against a variety of medieval rubbish, against serfdom in institutions and ideas, materialism has proved to be the only consistent philosophy to every branch of science nature and by persistent fighting various forms of superstition, distortion and so on. The enemies of democracy are always trying to deny, pollute and defame materialism, and advocated various forms of philosophical idealism, which always, in one way or another, to use religion to fight against materialism.

Marx and Engels defended philosophical materialism diligently and repeatedly explain how the previous error is the deviation from this base. But Marx did not stop at the materialism of the 18th century; he developed it further, to a higher level. Marx's materialism enriched by the discoveries of German classical philosophy, especially Hegel's system, which then leads to the thought of Feuerbach. The most important discovery is the dialectic, the notion of development in its most dense, and most deeply. understanding of the relativity of human knowledge that provides us with a reflection of material that continues to grow. The latest discoveries in natural science-radium, electrons, the transmutation of elements, is proof of that taught Marx's dialectical materialism, in contrast to the teachings of the bourgeois philosophers with their idealism that has been outdated and obsolete.
Marx deepened and developed philosophical materialism completely, and expands the introduction to nature by including an introduction to human society. Dialectical historical materialism is a great achievement in scientific thinking. The chaos that is rampant in the various views of history and politics replaced with a scientific theory is a very integral and harmonious; showing how, in consequence of the growth of productive forces, a system of social life emerged from the existing system of social life in advance and develops through various stages. Sample fact: capitalism emerged from feudalism.
Just as man's knowledge reflects nature (which is a material developed), whose existence is independent of humans, as well as social knowledge (different views and understand the resulting human being: philosophy, religion, politics, and so on) reflect the economic system of society. Political institutions are a superstructure on the economic foundation. We see, for example, that the various political forms of modern European countries to strengthen the domination of the bourgeoisie over the proletariat.
Marx's philosophy is the philosophy of materialism applied, which provide human beings, especially the working class, with tools powerful knowledge. After realizing that the economic system is the foundation on which the political superstructure is erected, Marx devoted most attention to the study of this economic system. Marx's principal work, Das Capital, is devoted to a study of the modern economic system: capitalism.
Classical political economy, before Marx, evolved in England, the most developed capitalist countries at the time. Adam Smith and David Ricardo, with their investigation of the economic system, laid the foundations of the labor theory of value. Marx continued their work; he tested the theory and developed it consistently. He saw that the value of each commodity is determined by the quantity of labor time socially required, which is used to produce the commodity.
If the bourgeois economists saw inter-object relations, Marx's attention to inter-human relations. The exchange of commodities expresses the connection between individual producers established through the market. The money shows that it becomes increasingly close relationship, which inseparably uniting the entire economic life of the producers. Capital (capital) shows a continued development of this relationship: human labor becomes a commodity. The workers hired to sell its labor to the landholders, factory owners and the instruments of labor. A worker using a portion of his working time to cover the cost of his life and his family, others use their work time without remuneration, solely to bring more value to the owners of capital. The value is more a source of profit, the source of prosperity for the class of capital owners.
Modal, which is actually formed by the labor of the workers, instead hitting the workers, devastated the owners of small capital and creates more unemployment. In the industrial field, the victory of large-scale production immediately apparent, but the same symptoms can also be seen in agriculture, where the benefits of the more developed capital-intensive agriculture. The use of improved agricultural machinery, resulting in economies of small farmers are trapped by money-capital, then fell and shattered due to the production techniques that can not compete. The decline of small-scale production takes different forms in agriculture, but the decline itself is a matter that can not be rejected
By destroying small-scale production, capital boosts productivity and create a monopoly position for the associations of big capitalists. Production itself becomes more and more social - hundreds of thousands, even millions of workers were tied in a regular economic organism - but the result of this collective work enjoyed by group of owners of capital. Anarchy of production, crises, chaos markets and the threat to most of the members of the community, getting worse.
With the dependence of the workers on the capital, the capitalist system creates the great power of union workers. Marx traced the development of capitalism from the early stages of commodity economy, from the simple exchange, to the highest forms, large scale production.
And the experience of capitalist countries, old and new, from year to year, is seen clearly the truth of this Marxian ideologies. Capitalism has won around the world, but this victory is just the beginning of the victory of the workers on the capital that bind them.
When feudalism was eliminated, and the free capitalist society appeared in the world, then comes a system to oppression and exploitation of the working class. Various socialist thought soon emerged as a reflection of and protest against this oppression. Socialism in the beginning, he criticized the capitalist society, condemn it, dreaming of the collapse of capitalism. He had the idea that there is a better government. He tries to prove to people rich that it is immoral exploitation.
But socialism does not provide real solutions. He could not explain the true nature of wage slavery under capitalism. He was unable to reveal the laws of capitalist development or show what social forces are capable of forming a new society.
Meanwhile, the various revolutions occurred in Europe, particularly in France, accompanied the fall of feudalism, slavery, which more and more clearly reveals the struggle of classes as the basis and driving force of all development.
Each political victory over feudalism was the result of simultaneous resistance and all of a sudden. Single capitalist country evolved on the basis of more or less democratic, due to the existence of life and death struggle between the classes of capitalist society. Marx's genius was that he concluded the first world history lesson and applies it consistently. Conclusions are made to be aware of the class struggle.
People always become victims of deception in politics; they will always be so until they try to figure out what the interests of classes that exist in society, what exist behind all moral, religious and political promises. The winners of the reform process and development will always be fooled by the proponents of the old order until they realize that every old institution, any cruel it seems, will still be run by the forces of certain classes of the ruling. There is only one group capable of smashing the resistance of these classes, and it can be found in our society, a group that can and should garner the strength to struggle to get rid of the old and establish new ones.
The philosophy of materialism which Marx presented showing the way for the proletariat to be free from the shackles of spiritual slavery that oppressed every class up to now. Translated Marx's economic theory to explain the true position of the proletariat in the capitalist system.
Independent organizations of the proletariat are multiplying in number, from America to Japan and from Sweden to South Africa. Proletariat become more enlightened and educated by his struggle to finance themselves. They refute the charges of bourgeois society, they continue to improve their strategies, to regroup and grow uncontrollably.
Communist ideology was born from the understanding of socialism that existed before the originators figures including Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel. Socialist view that the economy which determine the strength of workers or the proletariat. So it was not the capitalists, or owners of capital as liberal.
So the workers are not only used as a tool object and squeezed his energy, but to be one subject that can determine the running wheels of the economy and politics. The essence of Marxism is that expressed proletarian revolution in the field theory. To prove this argument fully, we need to explore the relationships that exist between living conditions of the proletariat and its struggle with the main teachings of Marxist theory.
We start from the basic principles of Marxist political program. The first is internationalist orientation. The importance of this internationalism in Marx's thought is undeniable, but the Marxist internationalism is not an abstract moral commitment to a kind of "international brotherhood of all nations", but rather rely on the existence of the international proletariat as a class, created by the world capitalist market, and forced to fight on international level to fight the capitalist system.
The statement in the Communist Manifesto that "the workers have no homeland" and that "the dispute-national fight between nations increasingly disappearing, due to the development of the bourgeoisie, by the independence of trade, the world market, by the uniformity in the way of production, and in conditions of living in harmony with it "is often mistakenly considered to be excessive or even at all, considering the influence of the ideology of nationalism to the working class is very strong. Nevertheless, the statement remains true because the objective to identify trends. The mode of production and culture of different countries such as Japan, Australia and Indonesia have a far more common nowadays than a century ago. In addition, the working class, although still influenced by nationalism, yet able to run the organization and the international community. That can not be run by the peasantry.
The nature of Marxist internationalism is a priority to the global interests of the working class. This can be explained in more clearly. For example, revolutionary workers who have never left the village pages and can not speak a foreign language, but against the national government in times of war was an internationalist. Meanwhile, a respected professor who has travelled the world, who are fluent in a dozen languages, but in times of war still support the government is a bourgeois nationalist.
The second is the problem of ownership of the means of production. Many observers believe that the main principle Marxists and socialism is the nationalization of the means product them. The socialists who think this way usually have arguments as follows. Capitalism, which is similar to private ownership, is irrational and unfair, and cause economic crises and poverty, war etc.. If companies in the hands of the state apparatus and is accompanied by economic planning, then situation will become more rational and fair. Working class struggle is understood as a way to achieve that goal nationalization. If there is an alternative method, such as guerrilla warfare or parliamentary process, the ways these might be considered suitable as well. Create the observer, the process of nationalization is the goal, the working class struggle is only a tool only.
As for communism, it spread in the countries of Eastern Europe, Soviet Union, China, North Korea, and North Vietnam. PRC is a Soviet satellite states for the greatest, but eventually their own conflict because there are differences in the application of fundamental understanding between the two communist. If the Soviet Union in the communist emphasize that sustained by the workers (like the original in socialist thought). Since most of the people of the Soviet Union is a labour due to industrialization and modernization had done since the time of Peter the Great.
While communist China based on the farmer understands. Since most people are farmers who still have a lot of agricultural land there. So the Soviet Union charged that the PRC has deviated from the true communism. Socialism is understood that aims to establish the state of prosperity with productive and collective efforts to limit private property. Understand this emphasis on community rather than on the individual as a school of thought / understanding can not be separated from the influence of "liberalism".
while that in itself occurred Indonesia Marxist movement that is working with a number of actions in different cities, paralyzing activities of the community began to subside, the decision of the government raise fuel prices actually increase public anxiety. Because, whether the action of workers and the increase in fuel creates fear. Still in other case, when a peaceful demonstration of workers in Bandung suddenly turned into a very anarchist leading to dozens of vehicles on fire and damaged government buildings. Although later in some areas to meet the demands of the workers, but apparently still kept a sense of mutual discontent.
Meanwhile, due to the implementation of the new fuel prices are impressed suddenly after a delay, transport drivers strike hit several areas in the country. No one can guarantee that the scale of social action that was little more broadly unchanged in the future. Such a situation does not create a sense of peace in the community, although the subject of these concerns is the community itself.
After all this time workers are not staged a massive, once they emerged together with the conditions of national life that suffer. National economy that was on the verge of eligibility limits and political crisis that has not ended is the driving condition of social instability. Social protest, social movements to social unrest are likely to occur in these situations. Inaccurate government took the right decision is to trigger all the worries become real. The little people, consisting of factory workers, labourers, transport drivers, retailers, and farmers to fishermen are those who are directly affected by any national economic policy.
The problems associated with rising wage rates and public services such as fuel or electricity is almost certain to add to their difficulties. So the presence of the labour movement at the vanguard of social protest can be seen representing the screams of other oppressed communities. Sociologically, community worker factory workers are relatively better organized to consolidate themselves into a force. The similarity of the fate and whereabouts, facilitate the creation of solidarity among them. Not surprisingly, they are a pioneer as well as spokesperson for the people who are suffering today.
Understand the core of socialism is an attempt to regulate society collectively. This means that all individuals should try to get decent service for the creation of happiness together. This relates to human nature which is not simply to gain freedom, but human beings also have to each other mutual assistance. And the Marxist theory of the most useful in the struggle of the working class itself is, true Marxists are people who build mass-based revolutionary movement.


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Imawan, Rafi. 2010. Nasionalisme,Islamisme dan Marxisme.
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